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Hannah Pinson

  • How do neural networks really work?
  • What do they learn, and when do they learn it?
  • Why does it sometimes go wrong?
ICML 2023

Pinson, H., Lenaerts, J. & Ginis, V. (2023, July). Linear CNNs Discover the Statistical Structure of the Dataset Using Only the Most Dominant Frequencies. In International Conference on Machine Learning (pp.27876-27906). PMLR.

My main subject

Previous experience

Sundberg, M., Pinson, H., Smith, R. S., Winden, K. D., Venugopal, P., Tai, D. J., … & Sahin, M. (2021). 16p11. 2 deletion is associated with hyperactivation of human iPSC-derived dopaminergic neuron networks and is rescued by RHOA inhibition in vitro. Nature communications, 12(1), 2897.

Pinson, H., & Ginis, V. (2019). General framework for the frequency shifting of electromagnetic pulses using time-dependent surfaces.

Physical Review B, 99(20), 201407.

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